Friday, April 10, 2009

Verse 3

Lord Mahadeva, Who is the primal cosmic seed of the delusive manifestation
     of all these mobile and immobile objects, 
Who contains the unseen potency for this manifest universe, 
Who is the Lord of His potency, 
Who projects this ceaseless cosmic play 
     and resolves all phenomena into Himself 
     through His spontaneous five-fold action 
     of Creation, Preservation, Destruction and Grace, 
Who provides the field of the body-mind complex 
     and the world to the created beings 
     who are none other than He 
     in their experience of the merits and demerits, 
Who is both the Limited and the Limitless, 
Who is at once Being, Awareness and Bliss, 
Who is the Eternal One, 
Who is the sole Witness of the variegated beings 
     with their varied dispositions, 
Who is the one Divine, Self-Existent Being, 
A priceless gem and diamond in His Glory-
Him I pay my obeisance to.

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