Monday, April 13, 2009

Verse 10

That which is
   the silence
      of the extinction
         of all verbal knowledge spoken of by diverse creeds,

but in Truth
beyond the grasp of all religions, sects and their scriptures,
but which is
   the seed,
   and fruit,

but beyond all these
   in its transcendental, true nature
and related
   in diverse forms seen as father, mother, kith and kin,

manifesting as pure ego,
the differentiated phenomena of the seen,
the witnessing light,
the One possessed of limitless power and potentiality of manifestation-
the One and the Many:

The Great Lord Mahadeva,
to Him
my obeisance be.

Verse 9

The one Who could not be realized 
by the great gods and siddha purusas like 
   Brahma, the creator, 
   Tirumal, the preserver, and the great yogis, 

in spite of their blemishless penances performed tirelessly, 
with all their body and mind offered 
  as oblations to the Great Lord for Eons and eons, 
but Who is welling up in the heart 
  of an ignorant one like me 

naturally free from all deceit like a divine ambrosia,
the great one pervading this entire cosmos, 
his essential being beyond the cosmos being 
  incapable of grasped by all empirical knowledge- 

That great Mahadeva, 
Him, I cherish in my heart.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Verse 8

That which is at once the Awareness
   in the notions of I and That
but in Its essence beyond all predicates

Bereft of any indicative mark as the pure subject,
the grandiloquent Being meditated upon
   through the Vedic dictum,
   "I am That,"

manifest both
   as infinite objects of the universe
   and their informing Light of Pure Awareness,

Felt only in the silence of the Heart,
beyond Space and Mind-

That Mahadeva,
to Him,
my adorations be.

Verse 7

That which is at once the senses and the sense-objects, 
                                 mind, intellect and the ego
but in its essence the impassive awareness
manifesting as the universe of becoming,

The transcendental space of Consciousness 
                        holding all phenomena intact,
The great silence beyond all duality,
The tranquil One beyond even the silence of the extinction of thoughts,
The endless One,
The essence of Awareness,
The immediate knowledge beyond the implied notions of Thou and That-

That Mahadeva,
To Him
my adorations be.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Verse 6

That which is
   the Primal Causal Being,
   the subtle Cosmic Mind
      manifesting as the gross differentiated universe of variegated beings,

But is beyond all this
in its natural state of pure Being
beyond the notions of Thou and That,

At once the great Beyond
  and its power of expression,

Pure Knowledge manifesting as action,

The One
Beyond the notion of ego-

Moveless and impartite Consciousness of Sivam,
Unbrokenly experienced as pure delight in the Heart,
The destroyer of all defilements,
The limitless One-

That Mahadeva,
To Him
my adorations be.

Verse 5

The Supreme Being permeating
   the world-views of dualism in manifestation,
      non-dualism in its essential Being
      and qualified non-dualism,
but realised as Mere Being of void in the Heart,

That which is the common ground 
   of diverse conceptualizations of the mind 
      that falls short of the True Essence-

Which is the sole Being that knows no Other,
   and sustains the entire phenomenal existence,

The great grand Intelligence
   not stared out of countenance
   by any created intelligence,

Which is the Father, Mother and the Spiritual Teacher for all,

The great Lord beyond the ken of all understanding
   but sought by all-

That Mahadeva,
Him I adore.

Verse 4

That which is the transcendental truth of Vedanta 
     as well as the immanent being of siddhantha, 
But is the common ground of both 
     as the essential, final, knowledge of His inner Being, 

the void of the primal Word, 
the natural state of emancipation in between, 

unknown to and unknowable by the varied mental states of knowledge, 
the infinite being 
   which is the primal, eternal, fabric and framework of all relative worlds 
   sustaining and keeping them intact, 
the freedom surpassing the mind, 
the final silence beyond the pale of the disputes of all sects and creeds- 
That Mahadeva, Him I adore in my heart.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Verse 3

Lord Mahadeva, Who is the primal cosmic seed of the delusive manifestation
     of all these mobile and immobile objects, 
Who contains the unseen potency for this manifest universe, 
Who is the Lord of His potency, 
Who projects this ceaseless cosmic play 
     and resolves all phenomena into Himself 
     through His spontaneous five-fold action 
     of Creation, Preservation, Destruction and Grace, 
Who provides the field of the body-mind complex 
     and the world to the created beings 
     who are none other than He 
     in their experience of the merits and demerits, 
Who is both the Limited and the Limitless, 
Who is at once Being, Awareness and Bliss, 
Who is the Eternal One, 
Who is the sole Witness of the variegated beings 
     with their varied dispositions, 
Who is the one Divine, Self-Existent Being, 
A priceless gem and diamond in His Glory-
Him I pay my obeisance to.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Verse 2

"The One, Who is the sole, ubiquitous, 
and eternal, truth of the entire variegated Universe, 
Who is the ebullient joy of realization 
felt in the hearts of the great Siva yogis, 
Who shines as the supreme silence of pure Being 
free from the clash of dualities, 
Who is the unsullied Truth of the Grace of His Transcendental Being, 
Who is the unbroken joy of the Great Beyond 
shining as the One substratum and informing Light of all the mental states, 
Who is the great Awareness of space remaining unknown by all phenomenal knowledge, 
Who shines in the lotus of the heart of all devotees as great bliss-
I bow down to that supreme Lord, Mahadeva."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Verse 1


" The One, Who upholds the entire variegated universe, 
Who alone constitutes all beings of the universe 
   and the consciousness animating them, 
Who is the their informing, Transcendental, Light of Life, 
Who is the great silence of Gnosis that knows no unrest, 
Who is the refuge of emancipation, 

The Eternal, Natural, Light and Space of Awareness, 
knowing no match for Its excellence, 
knowing nothing other than Its Being, 
the measureless delight of Being and Consciousness- 
I bow down to that Great Being, Lord Mahadeva."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mahadeva Malai Benedictory Verse

"Adorations to the Supreme Lord 
    overflowing with Compassion,
    flooding the entire existence. 

The substratum of the entire phenomena
    of the mobile and immobile beings,
The Supreme Light of Grace filling all life 
     with Its clear, bright, unbroken Delight, 

The One 
    unbrokenly uttering 
    the indestructible truth of the Vedas 
     through His lotus-like mouth, 

Who has melted 
    even this adamantine rock of the mind of mine 
     filled with the treacherous darkness 
     of the delusion of untruth."